- Eligible athletes must be actively engaged in training and competition with a reasonable (results based) expectation of competing at the National and/or International level in Track & Field, Road Racing, and/or Triathlon.
- Awards are $500.00 scholarships. Awards are made per the annual budget.
- If the fully budgeted awards are not given, any excess funds will not roll into the following year.
- Deadlines for applications are March 1 and September 1 for each disbursement. Awards are made April 1 (no more than half of the budget) and October 1 (up to the remaining budget).
- Athletes must be United States citizen at time of application.
- Athletes may apply for multiple scholarships in a single year, but will only be eligible for a second award if budget remains after other qualified candidates have received a scholarship.
- Applications will be available on the KTC website, through the University of Tennessee Development Office, and the University Track and Field Staff.
- Athletes must be a current member of the Knoxville Track Club to be eligible for funding and should maintain membership for at least one year
- Athletes not attached to a sponsor will be encouraged to wear a KTC singlet and enter the event under the Knoxville Track Club.
- Athletes must be a resident of Knoxville, Tennessee or immediate surrounding area.
- Applications will be judged on merit of the essay and application detail, with emphasis on the applicant’s athletic performance resume.
- Athletes are required to volunteer for at least one KTC event and submit an article to Footnotes on how the scholarship supported their pursuits.
- Athletes must sign a media release.